Many of you are probably familiar with the popular online networking tool, LinkedIn ( Whether you are a registered user of or not, we invite you to join our new Kluge Users Networking Group.
Why should I join?
Approximately 30,000 presses and folder gluers have been manufactured by Brandtjen & Kluge, LLC. since the company was formed in 1919. That has created a huge worldwide user-base! The Kluge Users Networking Group aims to bring our global users together through the established (and popular) online portal,
How will I benefit?
Learn from (and share with) other Kluge users around the world, their real life experiences, tips, techniques and discussions surrounding the print finishing industry and the Kluge product line.
How do I Join?
Follow this link (or copy and paste into your browser) to join the Kluge Users Networking Group. This page provides a summary of the group and offers you the option to join LinkedIn (for non members) or to sign in and become a member of the group. Any questions may be directed to [email protected].
We thank you in advance for participating in the group and look forward to “seeing” you online!