An interview with Tim Kirkland, Eastern Region Sales Manager – Brandtjen & Kluge, LLC.
Recently we took the time to interview our Eastern Region Sales Manager on the current trends in the folder gluer market. During his time out in the field, Tim has seen first hand how the current trends are effecting trade finishers today.
HQ: What are some of the latest trends in folder gluers and how is Kluge participating in them?
TIM. K: Vertical markets: Combining processes in one workflow to reduce lead time, and to lower time & materials costs, maximizing collateral capacity (avoid creating constraints upstream). We added tipping solutions (sticking one item to another with fugitive glue in-line with normal folding and gluing on all of our multi-function folder gluers). We added onserting (that’s placing a product down, like a DVD or pamphlet, then folding and gluing a jacket or other product around it), again in-line with normal folding and gluing on all of our multi-function folder gluers. We added drop-in, in-line scoring as an option to our OmniFold folder gluer. This is what I meant by avoiding constraints upstream. On square or rectangular pieces, you now don’t have to tie up a high-speed diecutter just to score a job, when it will have to be folded and glued anyway. Just combine the three processes on one machine and save time, materials, and diecutter capacity. On the ComFold folder gluer, we folded and glued a playing card box two-up (dual stream), at over 75,000 pieces per hour (watch the video). This machine allows companies to approach lower margin jobs competitively, both in cost and lead time, especially on short to medium runs. Finally, we added snap-in, precision sealed bottom bearing bed drives and left and right registration, a feature exclusive to Kluge that helps users setup jobs faster in the new “short-medium run” age.
We now cover a much broader marketing base. Traditional long run and carton products can be converted on our new range of straight-line fold gluers. Aptly named, the “BoxFold” is available for straight-line or longer runs. Our entry-level systems such as the Small Box folder gluer, high-end multi-function systems like the OmniFold, and custom configured machines, such as the ComFold, allow our customers to select the perfect machine for their niche.
HQ: What should converters consider when purchasing a folder gluer from Kluge? How do you find the right match for their particular needs?
TIM K: Look at your current work, the work you’re farming out, and the work you’re turning away. Characterize the run lengths, main job types, and complexity of your body of work. Kluge handles all types of folder gluers – Straight-line (like the BoxFold-1000), Multi-function (e.g. OmniFold), and Custom-configured (like the ComFold). We will work with you to find which of those three best suits your application. For example, if your customer-base requires large runs of few jobs, a BoxFold-1000 straight-line folder gluer may be the best fit. Capable of extremely high-speeds, this machine makes short work of long runs. If however, your work is made up of a wide range of shorter run jobs, where short make-readies and maximum versatility is essential, a multi-function folder gluer such as the OmniFold folder gluer could be your best solution.
Ability though, is certainly NOT the only thing that our customers expect from us. Folder gluers require a more capable level of support from the manufacturer than the average finishing device. There are many variables. The quality and availability of service, support, and especially engineering, is very important. At Kluge our service technicians are supported not only by the rest of the service team, but by all at Brandtjen & Kluge. When a unique problem occurs, our service team has access to the essential documentation and expert knowledge needed to service your equipment.
Adapted and used with permission, from an article that appeared in the October 2007 issue of package PRINTING.
Brandtjen & Kluge, LLC.