Two inch segments are key components of the new segmented in-feed table for Kluge folder gluers. These make the machine more versatile for folding, gluing and converting jobs. Here’s how:
The Kluge segmented in-feed table utilizes two inch wide segments joined together along the entire table length. These can be removed and replaced as required, to accommodate a wide range of jobs. By removing appropriate segments, the in-feed table enables the user to set up a job that will utilize the tab blaster, air gate, fold hooks and glue system at any area along the length of the table. Clean up time is reduced by removing segments that would otherwise be dirtied by excess glue, thereby allowing glue waste to be deposited away from the machinery.
Available as an option for the UniFold folder gluer and a standard feature of the OmniFoldfolder gluer, the segmented in-feed table is a must when maximum flexibility and quick clean up is essential for converting projects with your Kluge automatic folder gluer.
Current owners of the Kluge OmniFold folder gluer are already experiencing the benefits of the segmented in-feed table. Why not join them?
Contact us today for complete details, or visit our web site for more great folder gluer features.